How to Scrape Amazon Reviews?
Fortunately, an Amazon review extractor tool makes this process much simpler. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at How to Scrape Amazon Reviews? And how some free tools may help you collect data and help your business.
Amazon reviews are a gold mine for e-commerce companies. But with millions of products and reviews out there, extracting this data manually can be a daunting task.
Fortunately, an Amazon review extractor tool makes this process much simpler. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at How to Scrape Amazon Reviews? And how some free tools may help you collect data and help your business.
Amazon review scraper free
There are several reasons for scraping Amazon reviews. Maybe you’re a data analyst and want to do market research.
You might be creating a sentiment analysis tool and require a dataset to train a machine learning model. Maybe you’re just curious about what people have to say about a specific product.
Whatever the cause, there are a few things you should know before canceling an Amazon review. In this article, we’ll look at how to collect Amazon reviews for free using Amazon Review Preprocessor.
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Review details include:
Rating, Review Date, Review Content, Helpful Reviewer name, reviewer verified rating, review location, number of reviews, rating, and URL
These informational uses include:
- Sentimental evaluation
- Product review
- product analysis
- finding new market prospects for products
- AI/Machine learning training
- Brand monitoring,
- and much more…

3 Free Tools to Scrape Amazon Reviews:
There are numerous Amazon review scrapers online, however, not all of these are paid. The finest free Amazon review scrapers are listed below.
1. AmazFetch
This scraper can retrieve customer reviews from It is incredibly user-friendly and has a simple interface.
2. Revisions scraper
This scraper collects reviews from Amazon product web pages. It features a more complicated interface, yet it is still simple to use.
3. Amazon Review Extractor
This scraper can collect reviews from any Amazon product description, including those with several review pages. It has a simple UI that is very simple to use.
What data are we extracting from Amazon?
Simply defined, the Amazon Review Extractor is a tool that enables you to rapidly and efficiently obtain information from
The extractor will provide basic data like the number of reviews, and average rating, and help score with each review when you enter a product’s URL.
This information can be quite helpful in determining the consumer’s perception of a certain good or service. Additionally, it can assist to see potential problems with a product before making a purchase decision.
For instance, you might want to think carefully before buying something if you notice that a certain product has a poor average rating and a lot of bad reviews.
Simply put, Amazon Review Extractor is a useful application that enables you to shop on with greater knowledge.
How to Scrape Amazon Reviews using Python in 3 steps
Assuming you have a basic knowledge of Python, let’s look at how to collect Amazon reviews with Python. This procedure is separated into three major parts.
- Get the ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number) of the product about which you desire reviews using the Amazon Product Advertising API. To use this method, create an Amazon account and generate your API key.
- Request verification data from Amazon servers using ASIN. This is possible with Python’s requests module.
- Analyze the returned data for the cancellation text and other pertinent information. This can be accomplished using a variety of tools, including BeautifulSoup and XML.
We will go through each of these steps in more detail below.
To obtain the ASIN of the products for which you need to scrape reviews, use the Amazon Product Advertising API.
The Amazon Product Marketing API will be used to obtain a product’s ASIN. Developers can access the catalog data of Amazon using this web service, which is offered by Amazon.
Why scrape Amazon reviews?
Analyzing Amazon reviews is beneficial for a variety of reasons. If you’re a data analyst, you might be interested in learning what consumers think about a particular product.
You can be a company owner who wants to observe what clients are saying about your products. Another possibility is that you simply want to know what other people think about such a specific product.
In any case, collecting Amazon reviews can be an effective method for gaining an understanding of what customers think of a product. And with the help of several internet extractors for Reviews on amazon, it is very simple to execute.
There are many things you can accomplish using Amazon user reviews if you have access to it.
For instance, you may examine the reviews’ sentiments to determine whether they are mainly good or negative. To learn more about what people like or dislike about the product, you may also look at the most often-used words in the reviews.
When you have access to Amazon user reviews, the possibilities are virtually limitless. Scraping Amazon reviews is thus a method that is worth considering if you’re searching for a means to learn more about what people are saying about something.
How do I extract data from Amazon reviews?
There are various methods for extracting data from Amazon reviews. The most common approaches are to use Amazon’s APIs or web scraping.
Amazon’s APIs give developers access to Amazon’s major product inventory as well as customer reviews. Developers can use the APIs to create applications that search, browse, and buy things on Amazon.
Another popular approach for obtaining data from Amazon reviews is web scraping. There are several programs available that make it simple to scrape websites such as After scraping the data, it can be saved in a database or spreadsheet for further study.
Can I extract data from Amazon?
Yes, you can use an Amazon review extractor to extract data from Amazon. There are many various types of extractors available, so you must choose one that meets your requirements. Some extractors are free, while others may require payment. You can retrieve the data you need by using Amazon’s data extraction tool. Once you’ve chosen an acceptable extractor, simply follow the software’s instructions to acquire the data you need from Amazon.